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New Customer Registration Form

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Welcome! Please enter your company's information below to create a new account.
If your company already has an account with us, your primary user can add your name to your existing account.

  • Client Info

( *Required Fields )



* Your Company's Name

* Address1


* City

* State * Zip

* Phone

* Fax *

Client Alt Phone

* Company's Contact Name

* Company's Contact Title

* Company's Contact Email

Client Website

* Service Agreement

Accurate Lien Customer Service Agreement

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* Billing Name


* Address1




* City

** State ** Zip *

* AP Contact Name for Paperless Billing

* AP Contact's Email for Paperless Billing


Then fill out your information as the user under your company above.
You will be the primary user for your company, you can setup other users under your company once you finish this signing up process:

( *Required Fields )


* Your/Users First Name

* Your/Users Last Name

* Your/Users Title

* Please choose your username

* Please choose your password

Create a password with 6-10 characters, containing at least one of the following: lower case letter, upper case letter, digits(0-9), special symbols: !@#$%^&*


Confirm Password

 OR click here to receive a computer-generated password

* Enter User's Email



(Activate/De-activate the user account)

Receive Issue Report

(Receiving the prelien issue report email)

Receive Prelien Email Copy

(Receiving the completed prelien copy email)

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